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Agile Development: The Path to Adaptive Product-MarketFit

A picture relating to Agile Manifestos

Agile is an iterative and collaborative approach to software development that focuses on delivering value incrementally and embracing change. Unlike the older methodologies, which follow a linear and sequential process, Agile allows for flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

In this blog, we talk about all the basics you need to know about Agile methodology to get you started.

Why was Agile required?

Pre-2001, the Waterfall Model was used for software development. It followed a sequential and linear approach, where each phase of the development cycle, such as requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment, is completed before moving on to the next phase. While it had its merits, it often fell short in the new fast-paced, and dynamic business environment.

The Agile development methodology emerged as a response to the limitations and challenges posed by the traditional waterfall model. Here are the key reasons why Agile was needed over the waterfall model:

Flexibility and Adaptability

The waterfall model assumes that requirements remain static throughout the project. However, in reality, requirements tend to change as stakeholders gain more clarity or the market evolves. Agile embraces change and allows for flexibility, enabling teams to adapt quickly and incorporate new requirements at any point during the development process.

Faster Time-to-Market

The waterfall model's linear nature often leads to longer development cycles, as each phase needs to be completed before progressing to the next. This can result in delays in delivering value to customers. Agile, on the other hand, enables faster time-to-market by breaking projects into smaller iterations, allowing for incremental delivery of working software and early feedback from stakeholders.

Increased Customer Collaboration

The waterfall model relies on upfront documentation and minimal customer involvement until the final product is delivered. This increases the risk of building a product that does not meet customer expectations. Agile emphasizes continuous customer collaboration through frequent feedback loops, demos, and iterative delivery, ensuring that the developed software aligns with customer needs and priorities.

Emphasis on Quality

The waterfall model has testing as a separate phase towards the end of the development cycle, which can lead to a pile-up of issues and a higher risk of delivering subpar software. Agile incorporates testing throughout the development process, enabling early bug detection, continuous integration, and iterative refinement, resulting in higher software quality.

Team Empowerment and Morale

The waterfall model often assigns rigid roles and responsibilities, leading to reduced collaboration. Agile promotes self-organizing, cross-functional teams that collaborate and take ownership of the project's success. This empowerment leads to higher team morale, improved productivity, and better outcomes.

Agile Manifestos

Four manifestos guide Agile development which outline the values and principles that underpin the methodology. These manifestos serve as guiding principles for Agile teams and help shape their approach to software development. Let's explore each of the four manifestos of Agile:

Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools

This manifesto highlights the importance of valuing people and their interactions within a development team. Agile recognizes that effective communication and collaboration among team members are vital for project success. While processes and tools are essential, they should not overshadow the significance of human interaction, teamwork, and effective communication.

Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation

This manifesto emphasizes the primary focus on delivering functional software rather than extensive documentation. Agile recognizes that while documentation has its place, the ultimate goal is to produce a working product that delivers value to the customer. This does not mean that documentation is disregarded, but Agile teams prioritize working software and view it as the primary measure of progress.

Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation

Agile places a strong emphasis on engaging and collaborating with customers throughout the development process. By involving customers early and frequently, Agile teams can gain a deeper understanding of their needs, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments. This approach fosters a customer-centric mindset and ensures that the end product meets customer expectations.

Responding to Change over Following a Plan

Agile embraces change and recognizes that requirements are likely to evolve over the course of a project. Rather than rigidly following a fixed plan, Agile teams are flexible and adaptable, ready to respond to changes in priorities, market dynamics, or customer needs. This manifesto encourages iterative development, continuous learning, and the ability to pivot as necessary to deliver the most valuable software.

12 Principles of Agile

The Agile methodology is guided by 12 principles that provide a framework for effective software development. These principles, outlined in the Agile Manifesto, shape the mindset and practices of Agile teams. Let's explore the 12 principles of Agile:

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Embrace Change
  • Deliver Incrementally
  • Collaborative Approach
  • Build Motivated Teams
  • Face-to-Face Communication
  • Working software as the primary measure of progress.
  • Sustainable Development
  • Technical Excellence
  • Simplicity
  • Self-Organizing Teams
  • Reflect and Adjust

Examples of Agile frameworks

Scrum, XP (Extreme Programming), and Kanban are popular frameworks and practices that are part of the broader Agile methodology. Here's a brief overview of each:


Scrum is a framework that emphasizes collaboration, iterative development, and continuous improvement. It consists of short iterations called sprints, lasting 1-4 weeks, where a cross-functional team works on a set of prioritized user stories. Scrum includes ceremonies such as daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. It also defines roles like the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team.

Extreme Programming (XP)

XP is a development methodology that focuses on high-quality software, customer collaboration, and rapid feedback. It promotes practices like test-driven development, continuous integration, pair programming, and frequent releases. XP places a strong emphasis on communication and encourages close collaboration between developers, testers, and customers throughout the development process.


Kanban is a visual management tool that helps teams visualize their work, limit work in progress, and optimize flow. It uses a Kanban board to represent work stages, with each task represented as a card. Kanban promotes a pull-based approach, where work is pulled from one stage to the next based on capacity and demand. It enables teams to monitor and optimize their workflow, identify bottlenecks, and ensure a steady flow of work.

Merits and Demerits of Agile


  • Flexibility

Agile embraces change and allows for iterative development, accommodating evolving requirements and market dynamics.

  • Faster Time-to-Market

Agile's incremental approach enables quicker delivery of working software, enabling organizations to respond faster to customer needs.

  • Customer Collaboration

Regular customer involvement ensures that the developed software meets their expectations, leading to higher satisfaction.

  • Team Empowerment

Agile promotes self-organizing teams, fostering collaboration, motivation, and accountability.

  • Quality Improvement

Continuous testing and feedback loops in Agile enhance software quality and reduce the likelihood of major defects.


  • Uncertain Predictability

Agile's adaptability may make it challenging to estimate project timelines and costs accurately.

  • Heavy Customer Involvement

Regular customer collaboration requires active engagement and availability, which may be challenging in some situations.

  • Learning Curve

Agile methodologies require teams to understand and embrace the Agile principles and practices, which may require training and adjustment.

  • Documentation Challenges

Agile prioritizes working software over comprehensive documentation, which can lead to potential gaps in the documentation for future reference.

  • Scope Creep

The flexible nature of Agile may lead to frequent changes in requirements, resulting in scope creep if not managed effectively.


At Hanabi Technologies, we have fully embraced the Agile principles and practices to deliver exceptional results to our customers. By adopting Agile, we prioritize customer collaboration, ensuring their needs are met throughout the development process. Agile has become the cornerstone of our software development process, empowering our teams to deliver innovative solutions that drive customer success.